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All that you need to know about a PHP developer

All that you need to know about a PHP developer

Choosing the Best PHP developer or web design company for building your PHP Website for your startup or an established business. In this article, we are going to discuss the key factors to consider when choosing a PHP developer based on our experience.

1. Look for a Real Person Or an Organization

Find and deal with a real person. Instead of handing your project to an unknown freelancer. make sure you get to interact PHP Developer by either having a phone call, skype chat or an email introduction with him.

2. Get Contact Details

Be sure to get a valid email address, Skype ID, What’s App Number and Phone Number of a PHP developer you want to hire.

3. Ask for References

Check Customer Reviews and Reference

4. Check the Portfolio

A PHP developer should have real examples of work that has been successfully completed.

5. Transparency In Invoicing / Hourly Price

PHP developer should outline the work and line items with their associated rates in order to provide timesheet of what you are paying for.

6. Quick Response Time

When it comes to hiring a reliable PHP developer, make sure you get a timely response to your emails.

Trusted Sources to Find and Hire PHP Developers

You can find the Trusted Source of WordPress Developer in the following places Codeable, WordPress Jobs, Smashing Jobs, WPMU Dev Pros, Toptal, Stack Overflow Careers, WPhired, ClickWP, Mode Effect, Blazingcoders, Greycoders

What Can You Create and Develop?

Modifying PHP involves writing a standalone code that interfaces with the WordPress core code.

Here are the five main creations of a PHP developer:

1. Themes Development using PHP

Create a Wordpress theme with a combination of multiple elements, including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and JQuery.

2. Plugins Development using PHP

PHP hooks are used heavily on creating a plugin. It’s the technique that allows an application to run a function or class automatically.

3. PHP Widgets

WordPress comes with default widgets that can be arranged via the dashboard by clicking appearance -> widgets.

4. Entire WordPress websites

Building A full website with all WordPress functionality. A website is the combination of themes, plugins, widgets, and custom codes (SASS, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP)

5. Web Applications via Rest API

A web application is functional, dynamic web pages that operate through a web server and can be accessed via a web browser.

The Developer should have strong knowledge of API Development. So the can support mobile application theme by developing custom API

Since 2015, WordPress has integrated its core files with an independent REST API. This communication architecture works as a “bridge” that connects the WordPress core with any working application on a web server.

By mastering the key concepts of the REST API, you would be able to create a working web application using WordPress.


Blazingcoders has experienced PHP developer who can Work Monthly, Weekly and Hourly. Our PHP Developers deliver custom PHP development services across the globe. If you need to Hire a PHP developer then contact the company through Website, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin.


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  • PHP developer job description
  • PHP website developer

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  • PHP developer hourly rate

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