Performance Testing Company India
At Blazingcoders India the testing team performs a wide range of Performance testing such as Load testing, Stress testing, Volume testing, Soak testing, Capacity and Soak testing with good performance
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How to Record Audio and Upload to Folder in Codeigniter
Today we are going to explain how to record manually and upload it to a folder then insert that audio file into the Database using the Codeigniter PHP framework. In this, you can easily record audio and upload it to the destination folder.
Record Audio using Codeigniter
Here are the steps to record audio and upload it to a folder using Codeigniter.
STEP 1 :
audio.php file (Views)
<section class="experiment recordrtc">
<h2 class="header">
<select style="display:none;" class="recording-media">
<option value="record-video">Video</option>
<option selected value="record-audio">Audio</option>
<option value="record-screen">Screen</option>
<select style="display:none;" class="media-container-format">
<button style="text-align:center;">Start Recording</button>
<div style="display: none;">
<button id="save-to-disk" style="display: none;">Save To Disk</button>
<button id="open-new-tab" style="display: none;">Open New Tab</button>
<button id="upload-to-server">Upload To Server</button>
STEP 3 :
Audio.php file (Controller)
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Audio extends CI_Controller {
* Index Page for this controller.
* Maps to the following URL
*- or -
*- or -
* Since this controller is set as the default controller in
* config/routes.php, it's displayed at
* So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will
* map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name>
* @see
/*-------------- View-------------------*/
public function index()
public function audio_record(){
if (!isset($_POST['audio-filename']) && !isset($_POST['video-filename'])) {
echo 'Empty file name.';
if (false && isset($_POST['audio-filename']) &&
strrpos($_POST['audio- filename'], "RecordRTC-") !== 0) {
echo 'File name must start with "RecordRTC-"';
$fileName = $tempName = $file_idx = '';
if (!empty($_FILES['audio-blob'])) {
$file_idx = 'audio-blob';
$fileName = $_POST['audio-filename'];
$tempName = $_FILES[$file_idx]['tmp_name'];
} else {
$file_idx = 'video-blob';
$fileName = $_POST['video-filename'];
$tempName = $_FILES[$file_idx]['tmp_name'];
if (empty($fileName) || empty($tempName)) {
if(empty($tempName)) {
echo 'Invalid temp_name: '.$tempName;
echo 'Invalid file name: '.$fileName;
$filePath = 'uploads/' . $fileName;
$allowed = array('webm', 'wav', 'mp4', 'mkv','mp3', 'ogg' );
$extension = pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!$extension || empty($extension) || !in_array($extension, $allowed)) {
echo 'Invalid file extension: '.$extension;
if (!move_uploaded_file($tempName, $filePath)) {
if(!empty($_FILES["file"]["error"])) {
echo 'Not uploaded because of error #'.$_FILES["file"]["error"];
else {
echo 'Problem saving file: '.$tempName;
}else {
$data['file'] = $fileName;
} }
Audio (Database)
Home_model.php file (Models)
class Home_model extends CI_Model
public function insert_audio($data){
return $this->db->insert('files',$data);
At Blazingcoders India the testing team performs a wide range of Performance testing such as Load testing, Stress testing, Volume testing, Soak testing, Capacity and Soak testing with good performance
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