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how to optimize OpenCart website ?

How to optimize OpenCart website ?

Ways to Speed up OpenCart website 

There are several ways to Optimize OpenCart website that help improve your site's speed and performance. The procedures below show you how to do this so your site is optimized for high performance.

Using the cPanel File Manager or the SSH command prompt, in the directory where you installed OpenCart, rename the .htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. The .htaccess file contains rewrite rules for the sitemap file and other URLs.

If you installed OpenCart in a subdirectory beneath the public_html directory, you must make an additional modification to the .htaccess file. To do this:
Using the cPanel File Manager or the SSH command prompt, open the .htaccess file in your preferred text editor.

Locate the following line of text:
RewriteBase /
Add the name of the directory where you installed OpenCart. For example, if you installed OpenCart in the public_html/shop directory, type /shop.

Apache advancements 

You can add pressure and storing mandates to the .htaccess record in OpenCart's root index to assist decline with paging load times for your site. 


The Apache mod_deflate module empowers you to pack yield. This the two spares data transfer capacity and guarantees quicker page download times. To empower yield pressure for OpenCart, follow these means: 

  • Open the .htaccess document in your favored content tool. 
  • Add the accompanying lines to the .htaccess document:

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css text/javascript application/javascript

  • Save your changes to the .htaccess file. The changes take effect immediately.


The Apache mod_expires module enables you to instruct web browsers how long to cache certain types of content. This both saves bandwidth and ensures faster page download times. To enable browser caching directives for OpenCart, follow these steps:

  • Open the .htaccess file in your preferred text editor.
  • Add the following lines to the .htaccess file:

    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"
    ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 week"
    ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 week"
    ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 week"
    ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week"

  • Save your changes to the .htaccess file. The changes take effect immediately.

Item counters for classes 

As a matter of course, OpenCart includes the quantity of items in each subcategory. On the off chance that your store has a ton of subcategories, in any case, this element can adversely influence execution. To handicap item counters, follow these means: 

  • Sign in to OpenCart as the executive. 
  • Do one of the accompanying advances: 

On the off chance that you are running OpenCart 1.5, on the top menu bar, click System, and afterward click Settings. 

On the off chance that you are running OpenCart 2.0, in the left sheet, click the OpenCart - Settings symbol, and afterward click Settings. 

  • Do one of the accompanying advances: 

In the event that you are running OpenCart 1.5, select your store, and afterward click Edit. 

On the off chance that you are running OpenCart 2.0, select your store, and afterward click the Edit (OpenCart - Edit symbol) symbol. 

  • Snap the Option tab. 
  • Under Products, for the Category Product Count choice, click No. 
  • Do one of the accompanying advances: 

On the off chance that you are running OpenCart 1.5, click Save. 

In the event that you are running OpenCart 2.0, click the Save (OpenCart - Save symbol) symbol.


  • OpenCart Website Speed

  • Optimization OpenCart Website

  • Speed up OpenCart website

  • website Performance Optimization
  • OpenCart Website Speed Optimization
  • OpenCart Performance Optimization

  • Speed up OpenCart

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