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How to Send Email in Laravel using SMTP

How to Send Email in Laravel using SMTP

Today we are going to explain how to send email in Laravel using STMP. Laravel is PHP based framework that comes with a simple API to send emails via SMTP from localhost or Hosted online. You can easily use the 'Mailable' class to build an email function. You can also send customized data explicitly using the with() a method. Can Use SMTP Mails service providers like Google, Yahoo, Webmail and etc

Laravel Send Email via SMTP

Configure email setting in 'config\mail.php' Like MAIL_DRIVER, MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, etc.

Here are the steps to send mail using the SMTP server in laravel.

Step 1:
First, install the latest version of laravel. Below is the command to install Laravel

composer create-project laravel/laravel project_name --prefer-dist

Step 2:
open up the '.env' file and configure the email settings. Here we are using email client as Gmail

Gmail SMTP Settings:
Host Name: smtp.gmail.com
Smtp Port: 587(tls), 465(ssl)
Encryption: tls/ssl

Your '.env' file should look like given below 


Step 3:
Then generate the mailable class. Fire up the below command on the command prompt.

php artisan make:mail SendeMail

This will create 'SendeMail.php' file inside 'App\Mail' folder.


namespace App\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

class WelcomeUser extends Mailable
    use Queueable, SerializesModels;
    public $uname;

    public function __construct($uname)
        $this->uname = $uname;

    public function build()
        return $this->view('email.welcome');


Setp 4:

Create a View file. This will contain the template of our email. Create 'email' folder inside 'views' and place 'welcome.blade.php' file. below are the simple view template 



   Welcome User




Hi {{ $uname }}! Welcome to KodingMadeSimple.com





Step 5:
Create a contoller file with comment give below 

php artisan make:controller MailController

And Open the 'MailController.php' file inside 'App\Http\Controllers' folder and add send_mail() function



use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use App\Mail\WelcomeUser;


public function send_email()
 $user_name = 'John Anderson';
 $to = 'john.anderson@gmail.com'
 Mail::to($to)->send(new WelcomeUser($user_name));
 return 'Mail sent successfully';

Step 6:
Add route for our MailController send_mail() function. router file will be in this path 'routes\web.php'

Route::get('/user/sendmail', 'HomeController@send_email');

Open your browser and Run the code 


  • Sending email via Gmail SMTP server in laravel

  • Allowing users to send an email with their own SMTP settings in laravel

  • Laravel 7 send email Gmail

  • Laravel send a mail with SMTP
  • Laravel mail send an example
  • Laravel setup Gmail SMTP

  • Laravel mail configuration env

  • How to send email in laravel dynamically

  • How to Send Email in Laravel 5.6 using Gmail SMTP
  • How to Send Email in Laravel using Webmail SMTP
  • Laravel mail send an example

  • Laravel mail configuration env

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